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Legal Notice



COMPANY ADDRESS: Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 – 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

TELEPHONE / FAX: +39 0445 502811

REGISTRY ENTRY: R.I. VICENZA 00527790240 – P.I. IT 00527790240 – Registro A.E.E. IT08020000001303
C.C.I.A.A. VICENZA – R.E.A. 135113 M.E. VI003090

TAX ID / NIF.:  IT 00527790240

DEPT:  responsabilesicurezza@coges.eu


Purpose of the website and general conditions of use

Coges S.p.A. makes this Website available to Internet users in order to promote its own image and to provide information on its products and services.

The purpose of these general conditions of use is to regulate both the provision of information and the relationship between Coges S.p.A. and the users of the portal.
In the event that you do not agree to be bound by the conditions reflected herein, please do not use this Website.


Right of modification

Coges S.p.A. may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these conditions by publishing such modifications on the Website so that they may be made known to the users.


Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents shown on the website “www.azkoyen.com” and, in particular, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands, industrial designs or any other signs that could be used for industrial and business purposes are subject to the intellectual or industrial property rights of Coges S.p.A. or, where appropriate, of third party owners who have duly authorised their inclusion on the website.

With regard to the contents of this website, under no circumstances shall it be understood that any licence is granted or that any waiver or transfer of rights is made, either in full or in part, in matters of intellectual and industrial property.

Only the establishment of links to the home page of the website is authorised.
The use of “framming”, “deeplinking” or similar techniques is expressly prohibited.


User obligations

In general terms, the user is obliged to comply with these conditions of use and, where appropriate, with the specific conditions that may apply, as well as to comply with the special warnings and instructions contained herein or elsewhere on the website, and to act at all times in accordance with the law, good practice and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the service, abstaining from using the website in any way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the website, the goods or rights of Coges S.p.A. of its suppliers, partners, users or, in general, of any third party.

The user undertakes, when using this website, as well as in the provision of services, by way of example but without limitation, to:

  • In the event that forms are used, to provide truthful data.
  • Adequately safeguard the access codes that may be provided by Coges S.p.A., undertaking not to allow their use by third parties, assuming responsibility for any damages that may arise from their improper use.
    Similarly, the user undertakes to inform Coges S.p.A. as soon as possible of the loss or theft of the information, as well as of any risk of access to the information on the access system by a third party.
  • Do not use false identities, nor impersonate others in the use of the website, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.


Exclusion of guarantees and liability

Access to the website may occasionally be suspended or restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new equipment or services. Coges S.p.A. will make reasonable efforts to limit the frequency and duration of such suspension or restriction. However, it may suspend, withdraw or partially or totally cancel the contents and services not subject to any specific contract at any time and without any need for prior notice.
The above provision will not affect those services specifically contracted by registered users which will be governed by their corresponding contractual conditions.

The Internet connection, necessary to access the service, is under no circumstances provided by Coges S.p.A.. The user is informed that data communications over open networks are not secure, and that it is the responsibility of the user to adopt all appropriate technical measures to reasonably control the risks and avoid possible damage to their equipment, loss of data and theft of confidential information. For this reason, you must have up-to-date malware detection systems, as well as up-to-date security patches for the respective browsers you use.
For more information you can contact your Internet Service Provider.

Coges S.p.A. shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from, but not limited to:
(i) Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or in the users’ computer equipment and apparatus, caused by reasons not attributable to Coges S.p.A., which prevent or delay the provision of services or browsing within the system; (ii) Delays or interruptions in use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems; (iii) That may be caused by third parties through interference not attributable to Coges S.p.A.; (iv) The impossibility to provide the service or allow access for reasons not attributable to Coges S.p.A., whether due to the user, third parties or cases of force majeure.

The links contained on this website may lead to the websites of third parties.
Coges S.p.A. does not assume any responsibility derived from the connection, content, information or services that may appear on such sites, which will be of an exclusively informative nature and which in no case imply any relationship between Coges S.p.A. and the persons or organisations that own such content or the owners of the sites where they are located.


Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The terms and conditions governing this website and all relationships that may arise are governed by Spanish law and are under Spanish jurisdiction.